Over the Garden Wall Wiki
Over the Garden Wall Wiki

2006 Pitch Bible[]

The Pitch bible "Tome of the Unknown" contains the original stories and ideas that would go on to become Over the Garden Wall. It also shares a name with the pilot for the show also titled Tome of the Unknown.

This page's purpose is to compile all the different pages with information about the pitch bible and its contents into one place for the reader who is curious about the origins of Over the Garden Wall.

The Concept Pitch Characters[]

The Art of Over the Garden Wall[]

The art book is where a major portion of what we know about the original pitch bible comes from. Pages from the book can be found on the concept art page. The pages from the beginning of the book detailing "The Pitch" can be found in the gallery at the bottom of this page.

Tome of the Unknown[]

This page details all the information about the Tome of the Unknown pilot aired on Cartoon network. The pilot can be found on Youtube.

Tome of the Unknown Story Ideas[]

This page details all the original episodes pitched in the original Tome of the Unknown pitch bible. Many common themes can be found between these proposed ideas and the episodes that came out in the released show.
