A Courting Song Songs of the Series Over The Garden Wall Cartoon Network
A Courting Song appears in "Songs of the Dark Lantern". It is sung by the Toymaker, who is voiced by Frank Fairfield, who composed and wrote the song together with the Blasting Company.
The song is sung while Wirt, Greg, and Beatrice are sheltering from rain in the Dark Lantern. Wirt asks the Toymaker for directions to where Adelaide lives, but the Toymaker unwittingly mistakes Wirt for a "young lover" and Adelaide as his love interest. Startled, Wirt attempts to explain the misunderstanding, but the Toymaker bursts into song before he can do so. In the song, he musically informs Wirt of what he needs in order to convince Adelaide to "marry him", and suggests the tavern's patrons for possible work. Wirt repeatedly tries to explain the misunderstanding, but is interrupted each time. The majority of the second verse is cut off by Greg and Beatrice's dialogue.
After the song ends, the tavern patrons ask Wirt to sing a love song. Left with no choice, Wirt sings an adlibbed song about he and Greg's background and finishes by asking for directions. The song, despite being sung off the cuff, causes the bar patrons to realize Wirt's true intentions and they proclaim him as well as Greg "pilgrims".
Write a loving letter, boy, that swoops and sweeps and curls.
Calligraphers are just the thing to help you win your girl.
Then you'll need to dress up smart; the tailor's here by chance.
He'll stitch your trousers, hold your belt in the fine couture of France.
Your shoes? My goodness, how they're worn; but you're too young to know...
That nothing courts a woman's scorn more than scuffs on the toe!
The cobbler can attend to that. Meanwhile, you must have cake.
The baker and patissier need work, for goodness sake!
What a merry time we'll have upon your wedding day!
There's work for all when little boys get married!
That pointy cone upon your head, you can't be wearing that!
The milliner will fix you up with a proper high silk hat.
The bride, of course, she'll need a dress; on that we must agree.
The seamstress, my young lover, oh, how grateful she will be!
The rings, by gum, did I forget? Well, that's my favorite part.
The vows, the whole romantic mess... now that's a jeweler's art!
And so you see our handiwork is yours if you're inclined.
But our livelihood's at stake, so don't you go and change your mind!
What a merry time we'll have upon your wedding day!
Hi-dee-diddly-um de-dum-de-day.
There's work for all when little boys get married!