"Has anyone come here today? And...no one shall be devoured alive tonight?"
The house appears in the episode "The Ringing of the Bell" when Wirt and Greg seek shelter from rain fall.
The house has stone walls and a wood roof. Trees lean against one side and the other side has a chimney. The front has a centered door with square windows on both sides of it. The house is two stories, the first floor has a fireplace and the basket of black turtles and is where Lorna sleeps, while the second floor is Auntie Whispers bed room.
Lorna is attending to this house at all times to prevent the monster from coming out of her.
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[1] https://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/over-the-garden-wall/episode-7-season-1/chapter-7-the-ringing-of-the-bell/699818/
[2] https://jasonfunderburker.tumblr.com/post/101989388037/forkfrenzy-bgs-from-chapter-7-of-over-the
[H]Places in the Unknown & in Reality | |
Private Property | Wirt and Greg's House | Halloween Party House | Sam's Donuts |
Municipal Property | Wirt and Greg's Hometown | Eternal Garden Cemetery | Football Field | High School | Hospital | Train Tracks & River |
Natural Locations | River Behind Cemetery |
In the Unknown | Garden | Country Side | Big City | Old Mill | Woodsman's House | Tavern | School House | Quincy Endicott's Mansion |
Auntie Whispers' House | Adelaide's House | Pottsfield | Frogville | Potion's Prepared Remedies Readied | Beau Monde | Margueritte Grey's Mansion |
Otherworld's | Unknown (location) | Cloud City |
Misc. | Riverboat | Old Bicorne | Washtub Barge |