August Update!
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good night, and mahalo, to all those who are readers of, or contributors to the Over the Garden Wall wikipedia site.
Many readers may have noticed that there are many of our articles that are currently being overhauled and updated. Since this fandom site's creation, many contributors had come together to provide as much information as possible for the series (at the time). Several years have passed since then, and not only did Cartoon Network release more information regarding this beloved series, but even Patrick McHale has graced the world with more insight to the series and his creation process. Now, no matter how deep you are as a fan in the series, as long as you enjoy the series, consider hel…
Art of Over the Garden Wall
I have recently added a page for the amazing "Art of Over the Garden Wall" feel free to add to it and also take a look at the Concept Art page!
New graphic novel
Ways to contribute to the wiki
How's it going everybody and sorry for being inactive for the past couple months. Today I would like to share a couple of ways to comtribute to this wiki even though it is heavly developed.
As you know, OtGW was a short mini series that only lasts about 1.5 hours. This makes it hard to contribute to many of the pages because so little information is reasled during the show. But thankfully, there are ways to improve this wiki beyond standard edits to pages. Here is a list of some things that can be done.
- Check other peoples edits for grammar or add other bits of information. This can be done by browsing the wikis activity list
- Add/improve theories in the forum. Fan theories should be kept off any formal page in this wiki but can be worked on i…
the woodsman went to the after life
I think that Anna (the woodsman's daughter) is really alive and the woodsman is dead (as what they said that all people in the unknown are in the after life or the purgatory. of course the beast was lying all along that her daughter was in the lantern. He solved his problem and he went back to the real world and then there he was sitting outside his house then Anna came out of the house crying cus his father still lives. same thing that happend to wirt and greg, they solved thier problems then came to the real world.
the story from Jason Funderberker in the graveyard
okay so I just watched the whole series of over the garden wall again. I guess everyone already know about the darker/deeper plot and meaning of over the garden wall about the purgatory. I was about talk about that, but its already too common. I'm gonna make a short theory about the story, Jason Funderberker (not the frog) told with sara and the others while Wirt and Greg is sneaking in the 9th episode/chapter "into the unknown". Jason Funderberker said "and then a guy with an axe showed up!", he said something about a guy with an axe which is the woodsman. Then he said "... then she kept closer.. and closer". The "she" Jason Funderberker is talking about is Anna, the woodsman's daughter (her name wa revealed in a comic).I think she kept c…
Today is the first day of OtGW week!
On November 3rd, Chapter 1 and 2 of Over the Garden Wall aired on Cartoon Network.
I'm Returning :)
Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you know, I'm gonna start being a little more active again!
Second Update
Good day, my fellow Over the Garden Wall Fans! I wanted to make another update to detail what is going on in this wiki.
First things first, since Tome of the Unknown (TotU) was released on, there has been a large increase in TotU pages on the wiki. Most of them are stubs and need work done on them.
Also, there is a large number of stubs on the wiki that need work done on them. Some of the stubs are important pages like chapters. Some pages that need work done on them are;
- Into the Unknown
- Schooltown Follies
- Unknown (location)
That's all for now. Happy editing!!
Be More89 (talk) 23:59, June 9, 2015 (UTC)
Shnubs, long gone founder, has returned
Hello everyone!! Its shnubs.
I couldn't tell you how sorry I am for leaving the wiki without giving anyone proper authority to take care of the wiki while I was gone. Due to personal reasons, other OTGW fans made me very anxious and paranoid, making me leave the wiki/general otgw sites completely. but with time Ive been feeling better and can now interact comfortably.
Im here briefly however, as Im still busy either way. But now I have a chance to promote some users. The requirements are the same, so contact me if youre interested.
Tome of the Unknown on
Big news, Cartoonnetwork posted Tome of the Unknown on their website!!! The URL is
An Over the Garden Wall Wiki Update
Hey, fellow OtGW fans! I have decided to give everyone an update about what is going on. First thing, for everyone who doesn't know, wikis have tasks that can be viewed by admins. Just recently, the OtGW Wiki has reached 100% completed tasks! This wiki has come a long why from when I first started editing. I remember when Fred the Horse's page was a single paragragh. Also, admins have access to the amount of views the wiki gets, how many edits happen and how many photes are posted.
As you can see, the amount of editors range from 2100 to 2600. This number has remand constant for about a month now. I would like to give a shout-out to the constant editors! This includes Thibo1102, Pica2003, and Wirt12.
In regards to Shnuborls, she hasn't been …
Wiki adoption
Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all known that I have requested admin/bureaucrat rights on the community center. If you don't know what that is, it is when someone is granted admin or bureaucrat rights when no admin is present. I feel that someone has to become an admin to keep the peace on this wiki especially since there has been a number of vandalists on this the Over the Garden Wiki. If you have any questions or concerns about this topic, leave a comment or send me a message on my profile. --Be More89 (talk) 17:47, March 29, 2015 (UTC)
Too-do list
Here are all the uncompleted things left to do as I see it:
- Add all the content we have yet to add from jasonfunderberker, OTGW's official tumblr site.
- Add galleries for each episode, and notable character, (should we add them to their original pages, or create a separate page?)
- Create transcripts for each episode, see the Transcript.
- Create and add templates for each page.
Anything else?
Suggestion - finish writing episode pages
So, as a small suggestion, how about we all try and completee all of the pages for the episodes for a week? Many of them are still stubs, and these pages are the ones that are usually visited the most. It would be great to finish up these pages (as there are only ten episodes), and then perhaps finish the rest of the stub pages. How about it? We could start friday!
Theory page?
So, there are a lot of theories about OTGW And while that's great, some of the wiki pages are being flooded with them, instead of what we know is confirmed. On the FNAF wiki, there are pages just for the theories about the game.
So, do you all think we should have a page for theories to be collected? Then, the main pages would be cleaner, and everyone would have a platform to post any of their theories, without them being erased. We could have multiple pages, like "Character Theories", "Location Theories", etc.
Alright, I am glad my previous suggestion was taken on. But my next suggestion is too make a page for all the minor characters:
List of Minor Characters
The only ones who need pages would be (in my opinion):
- Greg
- Wirt
- Beatrice
- The Woodsman
- The Beast
- Jason (1)
- Froggy Jason
- Fred
- Black turtles.
Staff Meeting
Ok, so I think we've all accepted that Shnulborls is out of the picture leaving this wiki Admin-less, and essentially unedited.
So one of us will probably have to adopt this wiki, if only to promote other admins. I don't think it matters who, it could be any of us.
Comment if you are still interested in the wiki.
Full version of "Into The Unknown" headcanons?
('WARNING: Potential spoilers for episode 10!)
Apologies if this is in the wrong place!
So, in the very first episode of OTGW, we get to hear the song Into the Unknown , but there's a part that is cut out, until the ending of episode 10.
Dancing in a swirl,
Of golden memories,
The loveliest lies of all,
The loveliest, lies of all.
When Greg's Frog sings the missing part, he puts very strong emphasis on the word lies, and winks at the viewer. So, it must be important. So what I'm asking everyone is, what is your theory on the meaning of the last verse? My theories are:
- The entire story was made up by Greg's Frog, and is completely (in-universe) fictional. He was just making up a story for the viewer.
- In a twisted Life of Pi way, Wirt and Greg actually did d…
I'm really new to Wikia and stuff, so I don't know how to do much. Bu-u-ut in the newsfeed, there are entirely unrelated articles that have no relevance to Over the Garden Wall. Is that supposed to be there? I see, like, 1, maybe 2 articles in all that have reference to OtGW, and the rest are of NFL, Winnipeg, and idek!
Help wanted - Staff
Hello everyone!!
As you may have noticed, I kinda dissapeared for a few days and that made me realize I'm going to need some other admins around to help out when I'm not able to be around.
I would prefer users that have contributed to the wiki in some way, have experience with wikia (for instance: being an admin on another wiki), have been here for at least a couple months, and are generally mature and punctual. One thing I'm in desperate need of is someone who knows how to change things on the front page such as the featured article and other things that may change. These things aren't required but would be great. Please message me if you're interested in being promoted. ^_^
Should there be an Over the Garden Wall DVD?
Does anyone besides me want an Over the Garden Wall DVD? The creator of OTGW, Patrick McHale , said that if they did come out with one, it would have tome of the unknown as a bonus. Here is his twitter post reguarding OTGW's possible DVD
Notice - Contributors and members, please read
Hey everyone, Shnubs here!
Alrighty heres the scoop. I know how hyped everyone is on how cute OTGW characters are. Trust me, I squeal about how much of a cute nerd baby Wirt is almost daily, but pleeeease keep that off the wiki pages!!! Things like that are meant to be said on our blogs, not our wiki. Adding trivia along the lines of "everyone on tumblr wANTS THIS HUGE NERD" to character pages is unnaceptable and unneccesary. Not to mention its bothersome for me to have to undo your changes every single time.
Second issue I wanna bring up, please remember this wiki is a work in progress, since OTGW itself is new. Some pages are only one sentence short, but hey, if you complain about it, why not contribute and make it longer? Thank you.
Ok. So who else thinks that Greg is the best character ever!!!I totally do. and I also think that he should be in his own show, right.
something you guys might need to know
The final 4 chapters (two of which are airing tonight) are all available on iTunes already. You need to buy the full season to get them though. Just a little head's up so you can watch the episodes early.
Ways to Make Pages Look Good
Okay set out the episode pages like this.
- 1 Plot
- 2 Coverage
- 3 Trivia
- 4 Gallery
Episode described in depth.
Bullet point a point.
A few pictures and captions.
Front page swiped clean off?
Goodness, I'm not sure what happened but the whole wiki is intact other than the front page!! I'll try my best to rebuild it soon.
Favorite Character?
Hello, citizens! I'd like to ask you all..
Who is your favorite character in "Over the Garden Wall?"
- Mine is Gregory, he's very cute and has a very imaginative mind.
Be sure to describe why this character is your favorite!
Average Jeff (talk) 15:35, November 2, 2014 (UTC)Average Jeff
Fall is coming fast!!
With the new year arriving, so is Over the Garden Wall. With an ever expanding fanbase, I hope this wiki will continue to grow!
Welcome welcome to The Unknown!!
Hello!! Welcome to my new wiki. This wiki is for a show that has not aired on TV, so updates will be slow.