Welcome all new editors and contributors to the Over the Garden Wall Wiki. From this sites humble beginnings back in 2014, and now with the major haul of this wiki's content, there are now a set of guidelines to help contributors on their way. For the sake of keeping our content organized, refer to the guide below. Remember, have patience, and leave the rest to us.
For excellent writing tips, see Purdue University's OWL (Online Writing Lab). Or, for a more structured outline, refer to Wikipedia's Manual of Style.
(A/N: Please note that the large spaces between sub-sections in this article (in Visual Editor Mode) are used to produce the spacing in the finished view of the article).
New Site Platform[]
As many contributors have noticed, most Wikis and Fandoms have completed their transition onto the developers new site platform. Although, there are many opinions of the new software and features, it will take time to become accustomed to the way the site and its editing tools are used. I'm sure many have noticed how older features have stopped working, or have found that there are sections and areas in articles that are not accessible in the normal Visual Mode of the Wiki. We are observing to see if these changes to the editing tools will remain permanent, such as if we will have to use Source Mode, and the redesign that has the save button all the way at the bottom of an article.
For many contributors, Source Mode may seem startling because of the codes or perspective of sourcing. We suggest writing and adding to an article while on Visual Mode, and the features that cannot be used in Visual Mode, be added on last. If accessible, attempt to contact other editors, moderators, or admins and see if they can finish the detail or section that appears to be confusing. Please note, some edits may become lost during editing because of a minor freezing issue that occurs after a substantial amount of edits (example: writing over three paragraphs or sections in an article; reloading the page will erase the content and it cannot be saved while the freeze has happened). A suggested fix is to highlight and copy what is written-while frozen-even if the page will not respond to your scrolling. Another tip is to have a document open with your edits in case the article freezes.
As of now, 11/04/2020, the current affected areas brought to our attention are:
Reference Inserts (Only accessible and edited in Source Mode):
Reference Lists (Only accessible and edited in Source Mode):
Block Quotes (Only accessible and edited in Source Mode):
The infamous loading screen while beginning to edit:
And, in the process of uploading these images:
The new image uploading process requires any media that is uploaded to follow the terms of use (seen on the left), and the media must have a description to accompany it.
Page Layout[]
All characters, from the short, series, and comic miniseries should be structured (and updated) as follows:
Main Characters[]
****0. Block Quote (if possible)
- Title | Introduction | Infobox
- Appearance
- Personality
- History
- Relationship(s)
- Behind the Scenes *this area is in progress in all pages as of 11/04/2020* (Voice Actor Information)
- Brief Background paragraph on the development of characters. This paragraph should contain information from Patrick McHale, Sean Edgar, or other Over the Garden Wall, Tome of the Unknown, or any relevant pre-production information that is known and has been released. This paragraph does not have a label or has a sub-header.
- Portrayal, this section goes below the background paragraph, and is sub-headed as Portrayal. This section should contain brief information on the character's voice actor, background information on pre-production selection, such as the voice actors participating in podcasts, radio dramas, audio adaptions, and any other pre/post-production appearances made by the voice actor.
- Character Development, this section should discuss any information available from the creators of Over the Garden Wall, Tome of the Unknown, and the comics miniseries about the character's creation process, development in writings, or even storyboard information if possible.
- The Name section is very simple, it should be listed in bullet points and provide any interesting information about the character's name, not the voice actor.
- Character Design, is the final sub-section in the Behind the Scenes section. This section should contain information (if available) on the history behind (aka the backstory) of the character's design. Such as, example: "where did Wirt get that cape? Why does Wirt have a triangle nose?"
- Trivia
- Gallery Box (Template) *Type as is*
- The Gallery Box should produce a square image that provides a link to a blank page. The link on the box will remain red unless an entire new page is created. When this page is created the link will be functional and turn green. For more information scroll below to the 'Templates' section.
- References
- See also *this area is under development*
- Character Navigation Box *this area is under development*
- Category (a slim row at the very bottom of every page)
- If an article is missing a category it will not show up in a section, and be difficult to find!
****Special Circumstances: Theories***[]
Some character pages may include a theory. Such as Quincy Endicott's page which has a unique header titled: Alive or Dead?
Secondary Characters[]
****0. Block Quote (if possible)
- Title | Introduction | Infobox
- Appearance
- Personality
- History
- Relationship(s)
- Trivia
- Gallery Box (Template) *Type as is*
- The Gallery Box should produce a square image that provides a link to a blank page. The link on the box will remain red unless an entire new page is created. When this page is created the link will be functional and turn green. For more information scroll below to the 'Templates' section.
- References
- See also *this area is under development*
- Character Navigation Box *this area is under development*
- Category (a slim row at the very bottom of every page)
Some characters that fall into this category are: Sara, Jason Funderberker, Quincy Endictott, etc. Characters that have substantial screen time, interact heavily with the main characters, or have a deep backstory.
Otherworldly Characters[]
****0. Block Quote (if possible)
- Title | Introduction | Infobox
- Appearance
- Personality
- History
- Powers & Abilities
- Trivia
- Gallery Box (Template) *Type as is*
- References
Background | Extra Characters[]
****0. Block Quote (if possible)
- Title | Introduction | Infobox
- Appearance
- Personality
- History (May be very brief if there is limited information)
- Episode Appearances
- Trivia
- Gallery Box (Template) *Type as is*
- References
- Title | Introduction | Location Infobox
- The Location Infobox is underdevelopment, thus for the time being an older version of an infobox may be used.
- Appearance
- History
- For buildings: Known Rooms
- Include: Residents (Link characters with an image icon and link)
- For general outdoor or natural locations: Features
- Trivia
- Gallery Box (Template) *Type as is*
- References
- Site Navigation (Template) *Type as Navbox*
Voice Actors[]
****0. Block Quote (if possible)
- Title | Introduction | Infobox
- Biography
- Early Life
- Over the Garden Wall
- References to Over the Garden Wall (Content on career, not for citation)
- Over the Garden Wall Production (Table to mark dates of production for the short and series, or pre-productions)
- Other Appearances (Works they actor has participated in)
- Trivia
- References
You may remember the original stub or Greg listed on older articles that need to be updated. As of 2020 several new stub template boxes have been customized for the various needs of an article. Here is the original stub for your amusement.
"If you can't see it, put on your glasses!"
This article is currently a stub. You can help the Over the Garden Wall Wiki by adding onto it. |
Update Template:[]
We Came Here to Burgle Your Turts!
Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up-to-date. Please make this article be up-to-date so that it reflects recent events. Refer to this general list of compiled works that need improvement. Please remove this template when finished. |
This stub template is added into any page that is more than two years old, and pages that have released relevant information that is new, confirmed, or updated, but has not been added on to.
*****When searching for this template type as: Update or as We Need Updates!
Expand Template:[]
And What Say You, Reader?
This article, or a section of this article, must be expanded. See the request on the larger listing or on this article's talk page. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. |
This stub template is included with articles that has missing information in one section, multiple sections, or in the entire article. This stub may also be used for pages that are believed to have new information, but has not been updated.
*****When searching for this template type as: Expand
Whoops Template:[]
Ain't That Just The Way
This article covers an essential topic and is in need of major additions and/or work. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. |
Yes indeed, this stub template is specifically for major articles, such as main character pages, crucial settings, and any background information that is supposed to provide major details on the Over the Garden Wall series and comic, and Tome of the Unknown short, but is missing crucial information.
*****When searching for this template type as: Whoops
Disputed Template:
Wait... That's Dumb.
The factual accuracy of this article or section is disputed. Please see the general talk page to discuss possible changes. Remove this message when finished. |
Here is another stub template rarely seen. This stub is specifically used in articles that has information that may be perceived as controversial, or that generally has many theories. This does not mean that a page with the stub has not been confirmed either, some pages, such as the Unknown (location) that has been confirmed, are still marked as Disputed.
*****When searching for this template type as: Disputed
Cleanup Template:
There is Only Me. There is Only My Way
This article or section needs to be cleaned up to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article. Remove this message when finished. |
As the Beast graciously points out, this stub template is used in articles that are usually not up to date, or are over five years old. These pages have not been organized with these standards and may seem brief, messy, old, un-cited, or just plain. Please do your best to organize each page when they are created, or restored. After the clean up is finished a moderator will go and examine the add-on.
*****When searching for this template type as: Cleanup
Citation Template:[]
Come on Sheriff: It's a Rock Fact.
This article or section is in need of referencing per Over the Garden Wall's sourcing guidelines. This article needs some help with citation! Please improve this article by referencing valid sources. Remove this message when finished. |
This stub template is used in articles that are missing valid references, is missing sufficient references, or has no credible source at all. This stub must remain on pages that have less than three references!
*****When searching for this template type as: Citation
In Progress Template:[]
Sometimes I feel like I'm just like...a boat. Further and further, drifting away from where I want to be. Who, I want to be.
This page is a work in progress. It is not finished and may undergo critical changes while this message remains in place. Please do the best that you can to edit. All minor edits should be summarized to avoid conflict. While this message is displayed, major edits will occur as well. |
As this stub's name suggests, this stub is included into articles that have been tagged with other stubs (except for the Disputed stub), and any pages that have not been completed.
*****When searching for this template type as: In Progress
As their name suggests these boxes are used for navigating efficiently in designated pages. This navigation box is for locations, adding new locations requires edits within Source Mode. Please contact an administrator for any suggested locations to be added.
[H]Places in the Unknown & in Reality | |
Private Property | Wirt and Greg's House | Halloween Party House | Sam's Donuts |
Municipal Property | Wirt and Greg's Hometown | Eternal Garden Cemetery | Football Field | High School | Hospital | Train Tracks & River |
Natural Locations | River Behind Cemetery |
In the Unknown | Garden | Country Side | Big City | Old Mill | Woodsman's House | Tavern | School House | Quincy Endicott's Mansion |
Auntie Whispers' House | Adelaide's House | Pottsfield | Frogville | Potion's Prepared Remedies Readied | Beau Monde | Margueritte Grey's Mansion |
Otherworld's | Unknown (location) | Cloud City |
Misc. | Riverboat | Old Bicorne | Washtub Barge |
This navigation box is still under development, but it will essentially have the same structure as the navbox above, but will pertain to all characters in the Over the Garden Wall universe.
This navigation box was created for everyone that was reported on official websites or through the art book and comics to have had some hand in the development of the series or short. A red name means that there is no page created for that link, if you would like to create content for that creator please click on it and remember to save your progress.
Gallery Boxes[]
Gallery box templates are used to organize the original method of placing images in rows or in a gallery group that was previously at the bottom of articles. Due to a need for efficiency, and overall structuring of these pages, two new gallery box templates are used to link the original article (character/location/voice actor/episode/comic), to a new blank page dedicated entirely to images of relevance. This new page must be edited or labeled in the category below, lest the page be lost and not active. Think of it as any blank page, what happens to blank pages that have no content? They are not saved properly and considered to 'not exist'.
Gallery Box:[]
Click here to view this page's gallery.
As you can see, this template will create a blank page where the images relevant to the article topic must go. The link will remain red, as seen above because a gallery page, until the second gallery box, seen below, is added into the very top of the new blank gallery page.
*****When searching for this template type as: Gallery Box or Gallery Header/Link (they are the same box and template)
![]() |
This page is an image gallery for Manual of Style. Please add to the contents of this page, but only images that pertain to the article. |
Similar to the structure of a stub, this gallery box is the final box needed for the link between the two pages, the original article, and the new image gallery page to be functional. As you can see, the link in this box is green because it has been placed in conjunction to the gallery box above, making redirect link operational.
*****When searching for this template type as: GalleryBox
(A/N: The Manual of Style page however, does NOT have a gallery.)
OTGW Characters | Locations[]
When writing in articles, or creating pages on characters in the main series, comics, and short, it is important to provide content that is relevant in the universe of Over the Garden Wall, Tome of the Unknown, and the comic miniseries. Content should not have several real-world references. Follow the in-canon logic, and use any language that is familiar or relevant to the series.
The only section where any real world, or out of universe information is appropriate is the "Behind the Scenes" section and its subsections which are still determined as an "in progress" development for every main character.
Voice Actors[]
Every article which is centered on a character, be it background, secondary, or main character, have a voice actor listed (if known and confirmed). These highlighted links redirect you to pages solely dedicated to the real world voice actor and their career. Thus, any information in these pages should contain real world information.
Although we understand that all readers and contributors of the site speak different forms of English; for the purpose of acknowledging that Over the Garden Wall and Tome of the Unknown were were created in the US, it is logical to use American English in word usage and sources to better interpret the American context, and any other references of the series. That is not to say that meaning cannot be unilateral or shared across languages.
Example: The Villainous Cartoon series is aired only in the Latin American Cartoon Network, and thus some dialogue translations make more sense in Spanish, than in English.
CSS | Source Mode Guide[]
For users who attempt or are beginning to use the source editor, here are some simple, and updated formats to refer to.
Manual Type:[]
Use the ==
(heading) markup for headings, not the '''
(bold) markup.
===This is a heading===
which produces: This is a heading
*******This section is under development.
Manual Type (Internal Links):[]
Use the double [ and ] beside a subject that you would like to reference, such as to create a link to a specific character/location/voice actor/episode or chapter within an infobox or section of text (however, note that this is easier when done directly in the Visual Editor version of an article).
This will ONLY work for articles that exist within the Over the Garden Wall Wiki. An external link will require the specific website.
[[Manual of Style]]
which produces the hyperlink to: Manual of Style
Visual Mode Type:[]
By highlighting a word with your cursor and selecting the chain like symbol above in the editing tools a permalink search tool will appear and give you two options. One, to the default left option, which will let you search for the reference page you want in the Wiki; two, the option on the right, which will work for general searches and websites in the internet.
Word of Guidance: In OTGW Wiki and any other in-Wiki reference links you may contribute to, links will only appear if the article name is typed correctly.
Example: you type in "Better Beware", because you can only remember the lyrics to the song from the series but do not know its name (The Beast is Out There). This will not reap in any results. While, even general searches such as "Frog" will produce something, such as a link to Lullaby in Frogland, or Jason Funderburker (the frog), and so on.
General rules[]
- Every article that mentions a subject (reference to a location, chapter/episode, character, comic issue, voice actor) should be linked in an articles first mention:
- First mention in the article's introduction
- Mentions within the article's infobox
- First mention in the article's main body
- If you are going to add a specific reference, that link should only apply to articles with that relevance; the only exception to this rule is the main character's article sub-section: "Behind the Scenes" and characters that have heavy interactions.
- Example: [[Enoch]] should not link to, say, the [[Beast]] because of their other-lordly abilities.
- Although you may see a mistake in the title of an article, be careful and avoid correcting these links. Unless the articles title is edited and adjusted, the link you create, and the name of the page will not match, and the link will not identify the page you are referring to.
- Example: [[Wirt]], not [[wirt]], but because of the 2020 site transfer to the new platform, as long as names are typed correctly, regardless of grammar, most links in Visual Mode will provide a list of similar pages that you may have been referring to. Do note that mistakes in Source Mode may not produce the same result.
- In-universe, canon, and relevant articles should not be linked to real-world articles or websites, except in the "Behind the Scenes" sub-section, or unless the article in question is about the real-world Voice Actor or Creators and Developers.
- Do not link template pages to articles.
Any citations to print works not covered by articles, such as comics, should be cited in (MLA) Modern Language Association format. As of 2020, there will be an effort made to have the physical comic miniseries print cited correctly. Online comic reading sites are allowed to be used as references and should still remain regardless of the print citation.
When creating a citation there is a format to follow, this format will ensure that no error message occurs.
Below is the normal method to insert quotes, as of the 2020 platform change, this method is temporarily inactive, and all citations must happen through the Source Editor:
- After inserting your first reference, the article (in Visual Mode), will give create a blank pad where you are to manually type a specific title or line of the reference (not the link). The reference will appear as [#]. In Source Mode, the article tools at the top will provide a feature to create and insert references.
- After the reference number appears, you will notice a red error message at the bottom of the article. This will remain unless a Reference List is created, hence the need for a References header. This list will link all references, is where the citation link/website/source/print goes. The red message will disappear after this is completed.
Citation Template[]
As seen in the "Stub Templates" section, this stub template is used in articles that are missing the minimum of three references, has no references, or has references that are invalid, expired, or are irrelevant.
Come on Sheriff: It's a Rock Fact.
This article or section is in need of referencing per Over the Garden Wall's sourcing guidelines. This article needs some help with citation! Please improve this article by referencing valid sources. Remove this message when finished. |